

Google in Puerto Rico

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Google in Person Finder in Puerto Rico
Hurricane Maria 2017.
Google person finder and crisis map for Puerto Rico after the Hurricane Maria. Is a service to help in the humanitarian crisis and allows people to reconnect with their family after the natural disaster.
The user can choose if is looking for someone or have information about someone.
Person Finder is Spanish (default), English and most languages. The search for people also can be used to find persons affected by other natural disasters worldwide. You can change the location in the application menu with a list of natural disasters.
Google Crisis Map Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Includes live updates on weather, traffic, and public alerts. Shelters are also marked by orange house icons on the map. Information about the Shelters, address, phone number, and coordinates. Shows any flood warning for residents of the island
Warning Failure of the dam near Quebradillas and Isabela.
Also find crisis information in Vieques, PR., the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the British Virgin Islands.
Google was tracking about 7,500 records in Puerto Rico. (7:00 p.m. Saturday, 23, Sep, 2017)
Users can download data from Person Finder to synchronize with their own databases. The data is available in People Finder Interchange format (PFIF).
Google  - Search phone numbers in Puerto Rico.
Google Mobile  -
Google Puerto Rico Phones
Search in Google - How to find a phone number in Puerto Rico. You can use Google to search Phones Puerto Rico. Search phones from people and companies by name and city.
Google - Web Site
Search in Google and Social Networks. Find Public information from people, their friends and contacts, photos, videos, email.
You can Search For People By Name or Phone Number in Google. Find from Mobile Number. Google Tricks. You can find the mobile number or email.
Try to Search by phone number. Did you know that you can search for people just by using their phone number? Google is a phone number reverse lookup search. Did you know that Google is one big reverse-search mobile phone book?
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